• Accueil/ welcome

    to my small blog inviting you to look at some artefacts collected over the years regarding the Belgian Congo.

    Accueil/ welcome

  • Hello, after spending greatest part of my youth in Africa,...



    Kitega, Burundi.





    Hello, after spending greatest part of my youth in Africa,...


    somewhere in the bush!

    I should ask my father where it was, but radio contact is lost...


    Hello, after spending greatest part of my youth in Africa,...


    EPPL, Kinshasa 1973 (?)

    ....and my intrest for military history and artifacts I proudly present what we were able to collect since end 2008. Since I realised that most items have a soul, a sentimental value  to me, and that I needed to give them a place in my life.

    2 commentaires
  • Pages can only hold 15 pictures, so I will have to create sub divisions!

    Lets start with the last one in.

    I just got it today. A Lévior military pith helmet, marked ABL, 1952, size 55/56.

    In rather good condition.








































    A police fez, for native police members only.

    Notice the sequence of colors of cocarde, going from red from the center to black on the edge instead of being black in the center

    and red on the edge like the regular Belgian army used to wear in the home land.

    A second one (different type!) can be seen in part III.

    One in use can be seen in use on the time picture (picture is not mine, found on the internet).





    A police deputy hat and uniform.

    Shown in wear on the time picture as well (picture again isn't mine; internet found)




    Kamina sailor hat, Belgian Navy. The T.N.A. Kamina (AP907) was used to transport troops.

    • 1950:  to Corea.
    • 1951-1962: to Belgian Congo.
    • Headresses

    • Headresses

    • Headresses

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cap for Belgian Congo officials. Marked F. Parijs.





    Headresses (part I)


    This last picture is again not mine! Found on the internet.

































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